I followed their general(common) recipe. I have made things a little in another way though. I used black ABS a pipe as (since) my local warehouse (shop) homecenter only, happened, предсокращал lengths of it. I used a 6-inch pipe instead of 4 inches and 24 inches in length instead of 195/8. I started quartering a part of 24 inches in length of a pipe around of its(her) circle and reduction of it longitudinal in four parts. Then I switched off one edge, and used it as a pattern to switch off others. It has left me with 4 edges I then have made small additional smoothing and forming use of my belt(zone) Сандер and a palm (palm) Сандер on the verge of decrease(reduction) (piece) to try to do(make) them in the best wings. I do not know, whether it is really the most part of improvement, but it, appear, did not damage(injure), and a sight of edges really good (if I really speak so independently). Now I required the center to a latch of an edge to and to be peculiar to the engine. Rummaging around in my symposium (shop), I have found a pulley having teeth which correspond(meet) on motor mine(shaft), but was little bit too small in diameter to a latch of an edge on. I also have found a disk of waste products of Aluminium in 5 inches in diameter and ј inch thick, that I could a latch of an edge on, but I shall not be свойствен to motor mine(shaft). The simple decision certainly was to a latch these two parts together to do(make) the center. Much drilling, tapping and bolting later, I had a hub. Here it is collected and with the enclosed edges (after drilling raising apertures in them certainly). Here is another view of the hub with blades attached. In trip in homecenter store(keep) for some POLYVINYLCHLORIDE knickknack or another for other project, I have found their dome uniform capital letters of the gate. I immediately thought of addition прядильщика (спиннингиста) to the center. Anything to itself, with it on there, it really reminds professionally made unit. I would be never capable to convince any, that I built it directly from барахла from my symposium (shop) and parts of metalwork. All of them would look at me when I have said, that I built it directly and to go " Yes, the right. " Then I have found a website which asserted(approved), that such прядильщики (спиннингисты) destroy (interrupt) a stream of air and damage(injure) efficiency of edges. I am not confident, that I believe a reasoning behind of the requirement (application(statement)), but I left прядильщика (спиннингиста), at least originally. Then I required installation for the turbine. Holding it is idle time, I have decided to connect only the engine to a part 2 X 4 wood. The correct length of wood has been calculated by very scientific method to choose a part of waste products appearing in the best way 2 X 4 from mine груды wood of waste products, and to go with however for a long time it was. I also reduced a part of the POLYVINYLCHLORIDE pipe of 4 inches in diameter to do(make) a board, to be run through the engine and to protect it from weather. For a tail to hold it has turned to a wind, I again only used a part of a heavy sheet Aluminium, I, have happened, had imposing around. I worried, what is it will not be enough the big tail, but it, apparently, works only perfect. The turbine suffices directly around in a wind each time when it changes (replaces) a management(manual) (direction). For those from you always the requirement of me to provide plans, projects, circuit decisions, etc., for my projects, I have added some measurements to a picture. I doubt, that any of these sizes (measurements) is critical though.
Here is another view of the completed head of the unit with the motor and tail attached. Then I should start to think of some kind of a tower and some kind of the attitude(relation) (behaviour) which will allow a head to turn to a wind freely. I spent (spent) a lot of time in my local warehouses (shops) homecenter (Lowes and the Domestic Warehouse) brainstorming. At last, I have thought up the decision which, apparently, works well. At brainstorming, I have noticed, that an iron pipe of 1 inch in diameter - good suitable a miss (form) internal 11/4 steel of diameter of inch TRAINING of FOREIGN MILITARY TRAINEES IN the USA the electric pipeline. I could use a long part 11/4 pipelines of inch as my tower and 1-inch joints of a pipe from both ends. For main unit I was свойствен, the 1-inch iron crest of a floor has concentrated 71/2 inches back from the end of the generator 2X4, and has screwed an iron dummy of a pipe of 10 inches in length in it. The dummy would slide in top of a part of the pipeline which I shall use as a tower and to form the good relation (behaviour). Wires from the generator would pass through an aperture which is drilled in 2X4 downwards with the center of unit of the pipe / pipeline and an output(exit) in a basis of a tower. A brilliant! (if I really speak so independently)
For a basis of a tower, I started, reducing a disk of 2 foots in diameter from plywood. I have made U, formed assembly of 1-inch joints of a pipe. In the middle of that assembly I placed 11/4 Target of inch. The target is free to turn a 1-inch pipe and forms a core which allows me to lift and lower a tower. I then have added a close dummy, 11/4 to 1 adaptation of reduction, and a 12-inch dummy. Later I have added a 1-inch Target between the converter of the data and a 12-inch dummy so there will be a place for wires to leave from a pipe. It show in a photo further downwards page. I also drilled apertures in a wooden disk later to allow me to use steel shares (rate), to grasp (to lock) it in a place on the basis (ground). This photo shows a head and a basis together. You can start to see, how it will go together. Imagine a part of 10 foots in length of the steel pipeline connecting these two parts. As (since) I built this thing in Florida, but was going to to use it in Arizona, I have decided to keep at purchase of a 10-foot part of the pipeline while I have not reached to Arizona. It meant, that the wind turbine will never be going to completely and to not receive appropriate test while I was not ready to lift it in area (field). It was a little terrible, because I shall not know, whether the thing actually while I did not try it in Arizona worked. Finished main unit with edgesThis photo shows the finished head unit with the blades attached. Is that a thing of beauty or what? It almost looks like I know what I'm doing. I never received chance properly to check up unit before heading to Arizona. One windy day though, I really took the main external party(side) and counted it highly in air above my head in a wind only to see, whether there will be edges прясть it just as I hoped. Прядите it, they have made. Within several seconds it пряло till really terrible speed (any cargo on the generator), and I kept on the giant, spinning, whirligig death, without idea how to suppress it, not receiving me directly split into smithereens. Fortunately, I really finally am skilful to turn it from a wind and to slow down it to nonlethal speed. I shall not do(make) that mistake again.
Now, when I had all mechanical parts which understand, it has come time turn by the electronic end of the project. The system of authority (power) of a wind will consist of the turbine of the wind, one or more batteries to store(keep) the authority (power) made by the turbine, the diode of blocking to prevent authority (power) from the batteries spent all for nothing, прядя the engine / generator, a secondary cargo to fall down authority (power) from the turbine in when batteries completely order (charge), and the manager of loading (accusation) to operate all.
There are many managers for solar and systems of authority (power) of a wind. Everywhere it sells, the alternative material of energy will have them. There are also always many of them for sale on. I have decided to try to build my own though. So it has returned to Googling for the information concerning the wind turbine, accuse managers. I have found a lot of information, including some full circuit decisions which was rather good, and have made construction of my own very easy unit. I based my unit on the circuit decision of that, found on this website:
That website enters into a plenty of a detail about the manager, so I only am going to speak about it in rather general(common) terms (terms, conditions) here. Again, while I followed their general(common) recipe, I really did(made) some things in another way. Being vigorous electronics tinkerer from early age, I have a huge stock (action(share)) of electronic components already near at hand, so I should buy a little to finish the manager. I replaced with various components some parts and altered кругооборот a little only so I could use parts which I had already near at hand. In that way I should not buy almost anything to build the manager. A unique part which I should buy, was the relay.
Whether you build your own, or buy one, you will require some kind of the manager for your wind turbine. The general(common) head behind of the manager - that, what is it supervises a pressure(voltage) of the battery (й) in your system and or sends authority (power) from the turbine in the battery to recharge them, or dumps authority (power) from the turbine in a secondary cargo if batteries completely order (charge) (to prevent search of the excessive price and destruction of batteries). The circuit decision and the review on the above mentioned web page (fabric) do(make) good job of an explanation of it.
It - a picture of the manager which I built. Click on it to see the big picture. I only have escaped all to a part of plywood to check up the purposes. Finally I shall establish(fix) it in the investment protected from a bad weather.
The small board of a perfect in lower center with ИС and other bats (particles) on it is actual кругооборот the manager. The silver bracket below it holds two buttons, which allow me manually to a button unit meanwhile to charge batteries and a dumping of authority (power) to a secondary cargo. Big, black plums of a heat on below left has two, 40 Electroguitars (Амперов), blocking diodes have escaped in it. I only use that right now, but I could add easily the second wind turbine or even photogalvanic solar group to system, using the second. A double number(line) of gold rectangulars across top - the fictitious cargo, made resistors of high power consumption. It has signals in intervals on 2 ohms. I use it as a secondary cargo to fall down authority (power) from the turbine in when the battery completely order (charge). I also use it to check up the purposes to load test the turbine. Finally the additional authority (power) from the turbine will be fallen down (thrown out) to something more useful similarly to a water heater or the second bank of the battery. Below and to the left of a fictitious cargo - the main fuse for the wind turbine. A small grey cube - 40 Electroguitars (Амперов) SPDT the automobile relay (a unique part which I should buy) which sends authority (power) of the turbine or to batteries or a fictitious cargo. On the correct party(side) - the limiting block which allows me to connect all together.
In operation, the wind turbine is connected to the manager. Lines, then controlled from the manager on the battery. All cargoes are taken (undertaken) directly from the battery. If decrease(reductions) (drop) of a pressure(voltage) of the battery are lower 11.9 вт, the manager switches authority (power) of the turbine charging the battery. If the pressure(voltage) of the battery raises to 14 вт, switches of the manager to a dumping of authority (power) of the turbine in a fictitious cargo. Is trimpots to adjust (to adapt) levels of a pressure(voltage) in which buttons of the manager back and forth between two states. I have chosen 11.9V for item(point) (point) of unloading and 14V for completely charged item (point), based on advice(council) from a plenty of various websites on a subject of properly to charge conducting(leading) acid batteries. Sites (sites) all various pressure(voltage) recommended little bit. I sort from average them and have thought up my numbers (number(room)). When the pressure(voltage) of the battery - between 11.9V and 14V, system can be switched or between charging or a dumping. The pair buttons allows me to switch between the states at any time to check up the purposes. Usually the system runs automatically. When charging the battery, yellow CONDUCTED it is covered it (is lit). When the battery order (charge), and the authority (power) is dumped to, the fictitious cargo, green CONDUCTED is covered (lit). It gives me some minimal feedback that continues system. I also use my multimeter to measure both a pressure(voltage) of the battery, and a pressure(voltage) of production (release) of the turbine. I probably finally shall add either group meters, or a pressure(voltage) of automobile style and I shall load there will be from obligations meters to system. I shall make it as soon as I have it in some kind of an investment.
I used my variable power supplies of a bench of a pressure(voltage) to model the battery in the various states of loading (accusation) and unloading, to check up and adjust the manager. I could establish a pressure(voltage) of power supplies to 11.9V and establish trimpot for low item(point) (point) of trip of a pressure(voltage). Then I could turn a pressure(voltage) up to 14V and establish trimpot for a high pressure(voltage) trimpot. I should receive it a set before I have taken it in area (field) because I shall not have any way to adjust it there.
Upgrade: I now use 14.8V for full item(point) (point) of loading (accusation) after further research appropriate charging conducting - acid batteries. I also have switched to the sealed conducting - acid batteries because I have received a sheaf their free from my brother. I examine(consider) to switch to batteries of a deep cycle when what I have now, start to suffer(bear) failure.
Upgrade: I have learned(have found out) a firm (difficult) way which it is important with this manager, intend to connect the battery all over again, then connect the wind turbine and-or solar groups. If you connect the wind turbine all over again, the wild fluctuation of a pressure(voltage) arriving from the turbine will not be smoothed with a cargo of the battery, the manager will randomly behave, the relay will click far wildly, and thorns of a pressure(voltage) could destroy ИС. So always incorporate to the battery (ями) all over again, then connect the wind turbine. Also, make sure, that you separate the wind turbine all over again at a capture of system separately. Separate last battery (и).
Update: At last, very popular requirement (demand), I have the circuit decision of my manager of loading (accusation). Click on it for the full circuit decision of the size. It only changes a little from that at the above mentioned communication(connection). I replaced with several parts which I had near at hand for in the initial (original) project. In that way I only should buy some things to build the manager. You could make the same. Is not critical precisely to duplicate this project. I used the various chip op-электрогитары (op-ampere) and various MOSFET than the initial (original) project. The majority of values of the resistor is not critical. If you have knowledge to make so, do not hesitate to take a place. Also, do not hesitate to experiment. I would be interested in reception of news from any who feels, that they have changed to the best the project in any way.
At last, all parts of the project were full. It is all it has been made only for a week before my vacation arrived. It reduced it close. I dismantled the turbine and have carefully packed parts and tools, I should collect it for their trip on all country. Then I once again I superseded to my remote property in Arizona within a week of a relaxation outside of a grid, but on this time with hopes concerning presence of a small amount of an actual electricity on a site (site).
The first order (order) of business adjusted (established) and surrounded a tower. After achievement of my property and unloading of my van, I have reached to the closest Domestic Warehouse (approximately 60 miles one way) and have bought a part of 10 foots in length 11/4 pipelines of inch which I required for a tower. As soon as I had it, the assembly went quickly. I used a cord of nylon to anchor a pole (Pole) to four big wooden shares (rates) which operate in the basis (ground). Талрепы on lower ends of each line of the guy have allowed mine vertical a tower. Issuing a line from any share (rate) according to a core in a basis, I could lift and lower a tower easily. Finally the line of nylon and wooden shares (rate) will be replaced with steel shares (rates) and steel cables. To check, though, this arrangement worked perfect. This photo shows closeup, how to a line of the guy свойствены about top of a tower. I used brackets of a fence of communication (connection) of a circuit as items (points) (points) of communication (connection) (tie) for my lines of the guy. Brackets of a fence rather do not clamp downwards strongly on the pipeline which is smaller in diameter than posts of a fence with which they are usually used. So there is a steel clip of a fire engine from both ends of a stack of brackets to hold them in a place. This photo shows a basis of a tower, staked to the basis (ground), and with a wire from the wind turbine passing from the Target towers of the pipeline are lower. I used an old orange cord of expansion (prolongation) with the broken (broken) plug to incorporate between the turbine and the manager. I simply disconnected (have cut off) both ends put on a shovel, drags. Пронизывание wires through a tower, appeared, was easy. It was cold morning, and the cord was very severe. I was capable to put forward only (to push) it in length of a tower of the pipeline. In warmer day I probably should use fishtape or a line of a chain (string) to pull a cord through the pipeline. I became successful. This photo shows a head of the turbine established at top of a tower. I have greased with fat a pipe on the basis of a head and moved it to top of the pipeline. It has made the big attitude(relation) (behaviour), also, as I planned. Sometimes I even поражаю me.
It was not too bad, anybody around to receive Iwo Jima the Flag, lifting a picture such as that I lifted a tower with a head did not establish.
Now I only wait for a wind to blow. You would not be to know it, it was dead calmness in that morning. It was the first quiet day which I ever saw there. The wind always blew each other time when I was there. Well, anything to make, but to wait. At last! The wind was, and the turbine spinning. Winds were actually unusually light all time, I was on my property on this time. The wind turbine has still made good quantities(amounts) of authority (power) though, even with winds, that at the best has made it only to a few more than to 20 miles at one o'clock from time to time. This photo shows the manager, the battery and connected electronics all sewed up. I have 120V the inverter connected to the battery and a multimeter to hold a trace (rate) of a pressure(voltage) of the battery and a pressure(voltage) of production (release) of the wind turbine. Also my electric razor and зарядное the device of the battery are switched on in the inverter and escaping 120V AC. Later I included a long cord of expansion (prolongation) in the inverter and stretched it back to my camping. I know, that this installation is really dirty, but I hurried to rise and the manager, to exploit a wind as soon as it began to blow. It - my justification, and I adhere to it. This photo is a closeup of the electronics. The meter shows that the wind turbine is producing 13.32 Volts. My electric shaver and battery charger are providing loads on the system through the AC inverter. Here the meter shows the turbine making 13.49 вт. The pressure(voltage) from the turbine raises only a little as increases in speed of a wind as soon as it has a cargo to authority (power). As soon as the wind starts to blow, шнапс heads of the turbine around in it and begins прясть. It прядет is fast, while the pressure(voltage) of production (release) does not exceed a pressure(voltage) of the battery plus reduction (drop) of the diode of blocking (approximately 13.2 вт, depending on the state (a status) loading (accusation) battery). It really runs without a cargo up to that item(point) (point). Once, that the pressure(voltage) is exceeded, the turbine suddenly has a cargo as it starts to dump authority (power) in the battery. Once under a cargo, revolutions in one minute only increase as increase in speed of a wind a little. It is more than the means of a wind more current in the battery that means more cargo on the generator. So the system is substantially the self-manager. I did not see any attributes (signatures) over-reving. Certainly in winds of storm force, all rates are switched off. Switching of the manager to fall down authority (power) in a fictitious cargo has made good job of braking of the turbine and delay of it a way downwards even in stronger impulses. Actually shorting production (release) of the turbine - still the best brake. It brings the turbine to a stop right now, even in strong winds. Shorting production (release)-, how I have made the safe of the turbine to lift and go down so I would not be cut and played bones прядущими edges. Warning though, the whole main assembly can shake still around and crack you difficultly on a small mug if the wind changes (replaces) a management(manual) (direction) while, you influence these things. So be cautious there.
Finally I have decided, that my installation was too dirty and dangerous. Having highly the current connections to the electric system and a jack of a rat of wires on the Aluminium table (table) were not smart (strong). Danger fascinating short кругооборота was too high, so I cleaned(removed) things. I established all electronics on a part of plywood at top of a plastic garbage can of storage and cleaned(removed) telegraphy. Then I operated a long cord of expansion (prolongation) from the inverter back to my camping and included all my material in it there. Here is a longer view of the complete setup. As a sweet it! I have an electricity! Here to me have adjusted (have established) mine ноутбук and has switched on the authority (power) provided with the inverter which in turn is switched on by the wind turbine. I usually only have approximately two hours of service life of the accumulator on mine ноутбуке. So I do not reach to use it very much while I break camp. It enters convenient though to unload photos from my chamber when its(her) card with memory becomes full, doing(making) notes concerning projects is similar to this, influencing on the following big American novel, or only observing DVD cinema. Now I have no any problems of service life of the accumulator, at least while impacts of a wind. Besides ноутбука, I can recharge now also all my other battery, have switched on the equipment is similar to my cellular telephone, my chamber, my electric razor, my pump of an air mattress, etc. The life was in the habit to return to a reality primitive on the previous trips breaking camp when batteries in all my electronic material reduced.
So, how much has made all this cost to build? Well, I saved (have rescued) all receipts (reception) on everything, that I have bought connected with this project.
Part | Origin | Cost |
| Motor/Generator |
| $26.00 | Misc. pipe fittings | Homecenter Store | $41.49 | Pipe for blades | Homecenter Store | $12.84 | Misc hardware | Homecenter Store | $8.00 | Conduit | Homecenter Store | $19.95 | Wood & Aluminum | Scrap Pile | $0.00 | Power Cable | Old extension cord | $0.00 | Rope & Turnbuckles | Homecenter Store | $18.47 | Electronic Parts | Already on hand | $0.00 | Relay | Auto Parts Store | $13.87 | Battery | Borrowed from my UPS | $0.00 | Inverter | Already on hand | $0.00 | Paint | Already on hand | $0.00 |
| Total |
| $140.62 | Not too bad. I doubt, that I could buy commercially made turbine with comparable production (release) of authority (power), plus commercially made manager of loading (accusation), plus commercially made tower for less than $750-$ 1000.
The future updatings and increases by which I would like to do(make) to system, include:
* To establish electronics in the investment protected from a bad weather. * To add meters, to supervise a pressure(voltage) of the battery and to charge / release(exempt) from obligations a stream. * To add a tachometer so I know how it is fast прядет. * To add it is more than batteries to increase spare ability (capacity) of storage. * To add the second wind turbine or solar groups, to increase manufacture of authority (power). * To receive higher inverter of Power consumption. * Some method automatically to turn off or brake unit in strong winds. * Concrete fund (basis) for a tower. * Higher tower with steel shares (rates) and steel wires of the guy.
The majority of these updatings will not be made, while I do not live on a site (site) constantly, or полупостоянно. One updating I am going to influence end for the following some months before my following trip there - the investment protected from a bad weather and addition of meters is probable.
As the project develops in the future, I shall declare (I shall send by mail) upgrades here.
UPGRADE 03/19/07
This website became very popular. Thanks all for your interest (percent(interest)) and support. I receive tons of questions of email from people about all authority (power) of a wind of kinds connected (and not so connected) problems (releases). Many - the same there are some questions, has asked many times. Unfortunately I simply have no time to answer them all. I really try to read them everything, but my busy schedule simply does not allow enough of time to respond the majority of them. So do not take it personally if you do not receive the answer. I instead of it shall declare (I shall send by mail) answers to most usually set questions here as time allows.
Question *1: How you prevent a cable of authority (power) decrease(reduction) an internal part of a tower from leading up through any time?
The answer: It - much more (certainly) most set question which I receive from people. The short answer - I do not do(make) anything to prevent it. The cable really does not lead up all this awfully. The wind is so declined прясть a head of the turbine around of one way, as it - another. So there is no real tendency for a cable to finish awfully. If it repairs a wind through any time, it not any big business simply to separate wires in the basis and manually to untwist it. I have idea for rather easy to build ring a miss (form) system which would prevent any opportunity of a leading up cable. Now, though, there is a small need(requirement) actually to try to carry out it. Probably I shall test it on the future turbine.
Question *2: you can help to project / build to me system of authority (power) of a wind which will be authority (power) my whole a home / farm so I can leave from under the big finger of my malicious electric service company?
The answer: the short answer - no. Not only because of restrictions of time but also and consequently that my system is not developed it (is not intended) to make enough electricity to authority (power) the full house or a farm. My system only has been developed (intended) to provide tops on Some hundreds watt in area where any other electric variants were not accessible. I influence the project and construction of other turbines of a wind and even solar groups to increase my manufacture of authority (power) outside of the current minimum level. However, even if successful, these new additions would be still not authority (power) the typical house or a farm. My final purpose will be to have sufficient authority (power) from a wind and solar sources to authority (power) a small cabin and an observatory on my remote property which only will be borrowed(occupied) sometimes and will not have the big need(requirement) for an electricity. If you require the greater system, you require whom - that with experience with the big systems to help you.
Question *3: What do you influence now?
The answer: As time allows, I alter the manager of loading (accusation). It is going to to be established in the case protected from a bad weather with a pressure(voltage) of automobile style and the meters of an electroguitar (ampere) established by it. I have all parts, in which I need, but time to influence it lacks. I also influence the new project for a head of the turbine, which automatically appears from a wind, if becomes too strong to prevent damage (damage) of excess of speed. I also began job from construction of solar group of cheaply got solar seconds of a cell and usually accessible materials of construction. Once there is any promotion (progress) on that project, I shall declare (I shall send by mail) it to a website, but it is probable in his(its) own section, instead of here on page of the wind turbine.
UPGRADE 05/17/07
Me adjusting (establishing(installing)) the wind turbine - a photo of that I adjusted (established) the wind turbine on my remote property during our trip of May 2007 to Arizona. I have left the majority of the equipment, local in Arizona. I only have brought to a head of the turbine and the manager of loading (accusation) of a house with me. All has sustained winter well. Only some small surface rusts on parts of a basis of a tower. All has come back together quickly and processed big.
Mine popup a trailer to adjust (to establish) in Arizona, I used the wind turbine to authority (power) my new popup a trailer on my spring vacation. Strong spring winds held the wind turbine, прядущую all the day long every day and the majority of nights also while I was in Arizona. The turbine has provided sufficient authority (power) for an interior 12V, illumination and is enough 120V AC at outputs(exits) of authority (power) to hold mine зарядное the device of the battery, the electric razor, and a mini-vacuum cleaner (the camping dirtly) all charges also management (run). My girlfriend complained about it not having sufficient authority (power) to operate its(her) dryer of impact though.
The meter showing 14.5 вт Here my meter вт shows the turbine making 14.5 вт in a rigid wind. Though the wind turbine has switched on popup fairly well, I think, that there is a room (place) for improvement. I included popup with 120 вт AC through my inverter. popup has his(its) own 120V AC to 12V power supplies of the DIRECT CURRENT to switch on illumination of an interior and another 12V accessories(belongings). The losses involved in transformation of authority (power) to 120V AC and then back to 12V the DIRECT CURRENT have probably hardly brought in the contribution to the battery reducing fairly quickly some times during the periods of a breeze. Switching 12V systems directly from the battery probably would work better. The unique bottom party(side) which I see - that the pressure(voltage) of the DIRECT CURRENT will not be adjusted and could swing a little вт or downwards with changes (replacements) in speed of a wind. It would not disturb the majority of kinds of illumination too much. Other devices could have a problem with it though.
The wind turbine, it is far This photo shows the turbine, прядущую it is far and turning authority (power). I had no time to stop restored of the manager of loading (accusation) of the investment protected from a bad weather. So on this time I only placed all electronics in a plastic garbage can to protect them from elements. A good thing also as (since) there was a rain some times while we were there on this time. The jug of oil (oil(butter)) of a lamp is at top of a garbage can to interfere with a wind to break a cover.
UPGRADE 01/3/08
I have finished my solar group first home - constructed. It will be used in addition to the wind turbine to make more authority (power) on my remote ground Arizonskoj.
UPGRADE 05/20/08
The new and improved manager of loading (accusation) I has stopped restored of the manager of loading (accusation). It is now in полузащищенном from a bad weather an investment, and I have added constructed in meter of a pressure(voltage). I also have added some new features. Unit now has conditions for inputs(entrances) (contributions) of authority (power) from repeated sources. It also has built - in alloyed (connected) 12V distribution of authority (power) for three external cargoes.
The entrance party(side) of the manager of loading (accusation) This photo shows inputs(entrances) (contributions) to the manager of loading (accusation). It has conditions for 3 inputs(entrances) (contributions). One for my wind turbine and two solar groups though I only have one solar group full at this time.
The party(side) of production (release) of the manager of loading (accusation) This photo shows production (releases) from the manager of loading (accusation). There are communications(connections) to bank (ам) batteries, a fictitious cargo, and three has incorporated external 12V cargoes.
Sight in the manager of loading (accusation) This photo shows an internal part of the manager of loading (accusation). I basically only have passed (have moved) everything, that I have originally escaped on board of plywood in a pre-production model in this box. I have added the automobile covered gauge of a pressure(voltage) and fuses for 3 external 12V cargoes. I used a heavy wire of the gauge to try to reduce losses, due to cable (to connect) resistance. Each watt expects, when you live outside of a grid.
The block diagram of full system It - the circuit decision for the new manager of loading (accusation). It substantially the same as the old is higher, if not addition of meter Вт and additional blocks of the fuse for external cargoes. Click on it for the greater version.
The block diagram of full system It - the block diagram of the whole system of authority (power). Click on it for the greater version. Pay attention, that to me only built one solar group right now. I only had no time to finish the second.
UPGRADE 01/02/09
The wind turbine and the solar group working together Once again I remained my remote property during my recent vacation in Arizona. On this time I had also my home - constructed the wind turbine and my home - constructed solar group with me. Working together, they have provided set of authority (power) for mine (on the general(common) recognition minimal) needs(requirements) of an electricity.
Mine home - constructed solar group Here - a close up of solar group. The review of how I built it, can be found, here, that I should move it, some times every day to hold it have specified the sun, but it - not really big difficulty. Probably sometime I shall build system of procaking automatically to hold aimed on the sun.
The new manager of loading (accusation) in operation Here - a photo of new unit of the manager of loading (accusation). Wires on the left party(side) arrive from the wind turbine and solar group. Wires on the correct party(side) go to bank of the battery and a fictitious cargo. I reduced old heavy-duty 100 foots. A cord of expansion (prolongation) to do(make) кабели to connect the wind turbine and solar group to the manager of loading (accusation). A cable on the wind turbine approximately 75 foots in length, and a cable to solar group approximately 25 foots in length. The bank of the battery which I now use, will consist of 11 sealed conducting(leading) acids 12V batteries 8 Hour electroguitar (ampere) of the ability (capacity) connected in parallel. It gives me 88 Hours of an electroguitar of ability (capacity) of storage which is set for a camping. While it is solar and windy, (almost every day солнечно, and windy on my property), the wind turbine and solar group hold batteries, well which charge.
The turbine of the wind, broken (broken) after a wind storms Disaster! I have come in city to collect some stocks (deliveries). While I have left, the storm of a wind has approached. Winds well over 50 MILES AT one O'CLOCK blew through my area. When I have come back, I have found the turbine in this condition (status). Two edges have snatched out, and third has been cracked, but be still applied(put). Edges have broken, where the raising bill has met (has executed) a body (body) of an edge. I knew, what is it was a weak stain (place) and always expected, that they will break there finally. I would not know for certain if it was excess of speed, or only weariness from repeated bending which has forced them to break. I suspect weariness though. I could see, that edges have bent in strong winds before they have broken. It is interesting, though, I have found, that bank of the battery completely ordered (charged). The wind turbine, should be, has made some serious authority (power) in those strong winds before it suffered(bore) failure.
I knew, that I could awake the wind turbine and the manager again if I could drill only new apertures of installation in edges. I had no any training or битов (particles) of training with me though. I should think of it some time before I found out how to make it. Then, spirit MacGyver has arrived atop of me, and I knew, only how to make it.
Heating of a screw-driver on charcoal shoots, I found out it if I have heated up my greatest Phillips a screw-driver on fire (fire), it would thaw an aperture in POLYVINYLCHLORIDE edges only the correct size for raising latches. So I have received some movement of charcoal and started to do(make) apertures. It - awful abusing completely good screw-driver, but it was the extreme situation eventually.
Thawing new apertures in edges I used one of the broken (broken) raising bills as a pattern to define(determine) a site, where to do(make) apertures in the bases of edges. Then was direct to thaw only through edges with a screw-driver. It was very fast and easy, and apertures were very pure(clean).
The broken (Broken) bills of steel распорными details to reinstall edges, I then have reinstalled edges on the center of the turbine. I used the broken (broken) raising bills as распорные details under edges to interfere with them to pollute chapters(heads) of latches which fasten the center. tabless edges are much stronger and it is less probable to bend in strong winds. I should make it this way to the beginning. Alive also study.
The restored wind turbine Here - the turbine all repeatedly collected and ready to come back on a tower.
Restored lead up the turbine and the manager, again - the wind turbine and flight again. Loss of two inches of length of an edge, apparently, adversely does not influence job (performance) of the turbine. All this still works big. Not poorly for импровизированной jobs of repair.